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Textile research
Fabric Design: GIRL: Image
My inspiration for this textile research is based on an animation music video titled 'Girl' by Daoko. This video holds a lot of meaning to me, especially when it comes to my artistic growth and exploration of feminity.
It's essentially an animated music video, which holds subtle relevant social commentary and symbolism pertaining to Asian culture and community.
Fabric Design: GIRL: HTML Embed
Fabric Design: GIRL: Image
Fabric Design: GIRL: Pro Gallery
Analyzing the picture, i decided to focus on two techniques i was aiming to explore: dyeing and embroidery. Within those two techniques i tried to expand and mix in some small techniques as well, such as lazercutting and burning in the dyes into the synthetic fabrics through a heat press.
Fabric Design: GIRL: Text
Fabric Design: GIRL: Gallery
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